Tag Archives: Chili

Beef Chili for Fall, Winter, or Spring

Friday brought a sudden cold snap to Austin, TX. After weeks of high temperatures in the 80s, I was met with a burst of 40 degree wind when I let the dogs out Friday morning. Our shiba inu/princess, Sadie, decided not to stay outside for long. Cold temps might be a bit disappointing to a warm lover like me, but it does give me a great reason to make beef chili again!

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Mostly Vegetarian Chili

Degrees of Vegetarianism

My sister came over to visit today. My sister is “mostly vegetarian.” This gave me an opportunity to revamp my old recipe for Slightly Vegetarian Chili.

Here’s the thing. You, my life choice making, adult friends, are completely capable of choosing the foods and beverages you put into your body. For my sister (and formerly myself) vegetarianism was a choice we made for health reasons. I chose not to eat meat because my body felt better.

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