
The Great Cake Experiment Part 1 – The Perfect White Cake

I am not a baker, y’all, so when a regular Kids Cooking Class client called to explain her son is turning 12 and wants to host a cake baking class, fight or flight set in and I froze in terror. My eyes widened, and my heart sank to my stomach as a vision of a cake baking chaos with 12-year-olds in tow flashed into my mind. Then I thought, “What would Julia Child do?” She would put on her big girl panties and get to baking. That’s what!

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8 Tips for Storing Organic Produce

You signed up for a weekly CSA share and you had every intention of eating all of that beautiful, juicy, organically grown produce each week. Sadly, you’ve found that you just can’t eat it all fast enough and you’re forced to throw out produce that has gone bad, not only wasting money, but also (quite literally) the fruits of someone’s hard labor (a labor of love, btw). Hey, we all get busy, right? Don’t guilt and shame yourself over lost produce! Instead, try these tips for washing and storing your produce to help extend the life of all that deliciousness.
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Roux and The Mother Sauces

Thickening Sauces with Roux

Probably the simplest and most used classic French culinary component, roux is nothing more than equal parts fat to flour cooked to varying degrees and used as a thickening agent for sauces, soups and stews. Butter is most commonly used as the fat, but olive and other oils or animal fat can also be used.

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