Inspired by this year’s peach season, I decided to write down this little short fiction piece that was boiling up in my mind. Hope you like it.
Al Bawīţī ~ Haley Inspired by this year’s peach season, I decided to write down this little short fiction piece that was boiling up in my mind. Hope you like it.
Al Bawīţī ~ Haley
Yesterday, I met a fellow Austin food writer at church. While I dabble in writing by basically subjecting you all to my inner thoughts and emotions, she’s a real freelance food writer, y’all. Meaning she pitches story ideas to various media outlets around town and has editors backing her up.
We got to talking about why we cook rather than just dine out all of the time. Naturally, this topic of conversation struck a chord with me and I’ve been thinking about it for 24 hours now. I thought, perhaps I should write this down to share with my fellow cooks (and so my mind stops racing). Continue reading Feed Your Fellows, Be Fed with Homemade Pasta
Probably the simplest and most used classic French culinary component, roux is nothing more than equal parts fat to flour cooked to varying degrees and used as a thickening agent for sauces, soups and stews. Butter is most commonly used as the fat, but olive and other oils or animal fat can also be used.