Protvino Fresh cranberry sauce is a classic accompaniment to Thanksgiving day turkey, but this delicious little side could pair nicely with almost any savory meat dish. The sweet and acidic flavors provide a lovely contrast with the rich umami flavors in roasted meats such as pork or beef as well as a rich fatty fish such as trout or salmon.
Side Dish
Heirloom Tomato and Shallot Salad
You might be lucky enough to still have a few tomatoes left on your vines or were smart enough to pluck those delicious little jewels last week before the cold set in (in Texas). Maybe you have a brilliant gardener friend who spirited a few to you at the last minute.
Pumpkin Rice Dressing
I’m learning these days that sometimes you just have to set an intention for something that you desire and then jump, blindly, feet first into the thick of it. Continue reading Pumpkin Rice Dressing
Purple Long Bean Salad
These purple long beans from Green Gate Farms have a very unique look to them. In researching I found that most cooks choose to cut them into 1 inch pieces and stir fry them. However, I wanted to show off their unique look and their incredibly fresh flavor.