incorruptly Who doesn’t want more bananas and kale in their life? This banana and kale smoothie is a tasty, fast, easy-to-transport way to get it!
Quick and Easy
Chili Marinated Trout
I recently received a few requests for more vegetarian or pescatarian dishes. This Chili Marinated Trout recipe is full of flavor and packed with protein and Omega 3 fatty acids.
Roasted Pumpkin Seeds, A.K.A. Pepitas
It’s November. Pumpkins are everywhere. Let’s say you’ve dispatched all of your pumpkins of their seeds and maybe you have no idea what to do with them so you have begun collecting seeds. So much so that your friends may be planning to call some pumpkin seed hoarding TV special to stage an intervention.
Don’t allow this to happen, friends. Don’t let them take your pumpkin seeds!! Continue reading Roasted Pumpkin Seeds, A.K.A. Pepitas
Cheesy Mediterranean Vegetable Saute

Tonight, I’m cooking just for me. I don’t have my kid or sweetheart to feed tonight and I am totally okay with that. It might have something to do with my introverted nature.
It wasn’t always so easy though. For a very long time I didn’t feel it was worth while to cook a meal just for myself. When I began to embrace my need to be home and to be alone to recharge I realized part of that includes feeding myself. I mean actually nourishing myself, not just have a bowl of cereal because my body needs food.