
Baked Macaroni and Cheese

The past few months have proven to be a Six Flags Texas Cyclone Style rollercoaster of emotion for me and my people. From getting engaged, to leaving a job, to starting a new part time gig, to  losing a loved one, to a stop-me-in-my-tracks illness (I’m better now) I have literally run the gamut of emotions. I have felt ALL the feels!

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Warm Shrimp and Pasta Salad

Do you ever just want something quick and easy, but comforting and full of flavor for dinner? Oh sure, you do! Pasta salad is one of my favorite quick and easy meals to showcase all of the fresh healthy vegetables that are in season during the Summer months. Bonus points if you have access to fresh, home-grown vegetables!

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Mushroom Asparagus Mascarpone Pasta

This mushroom asparagus mascarpone pasta was a big hit in our house. Dijon and mascarpone perfectly balance each other and melt into tangy, savory, saucy goodness. The mushrooms add a meaty texture while the asparagus adds a bright crisp crunch. Make mouths water with this filling vegetarian dish that is brimming flavor.
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Feed Your Fellows, Be Fed with Homemade Pasta

Yesterday, I met a fellow Austin food writer at church. While I dabble in writing by basically subjecting you all to my inner thoughts and emotions, she’s a real freelance food writer, y’all.  Meaning she pitches story ideas to various media outlets around town and has editors backing her up.

We got to talking about why we cook rather than just dine out all of the time. Naturally, this topic of conversation struck a chord with me and I’ve been thinking about it for 24 hours now. I thought, perhaps I should write this down to share with my fellow cooks (and so my mind stops racing). Continue reading Feed Your Fellows, Be Fed with Homemade Pasta