Kid Friendly

The Great Cake Experiment Part 1 – The Perfect White Cake

I am not a baker, y’all, so when a regular Kids Cooking Class client called to explain her son is turning 12 and wants to host a cake baking class, fight or flight set in and I froze in terror. My eyes widened, and my heart sank to my stomach as a vision of a cake baking chaos with 12-year-olds in tow flashed into my mind. Then I thought, “What would Julia Child do?” She would put on her big girl panties and get to baking. That’s what!

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Minty Strawberry and Raspberry Shortcake

My Minty Strawberry and Raspberry Shortcake is like a Summery slap to the face. Slightly sweet, spongy cake builds the foundation for all of that sweet, strawberry goodness sandwiched with layers of fluffy homemade vanilla whipped cream. Each bite breaths little wisps of refreshing mint over your tongue and through your nose.

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Banana Muffins

Last week I had the privilege of teaching a kids cooking class to the girls at The Settlement Home, a children’s agency in Austin. The Settlement Home’s mission is to promote healing and growth by providing a continuum of care, support, and resources. These classes are the most fulfilling work I’m doing right now.

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Quick Rotisserie Chicken and Brie Nachos

When it comes to culinary standards and technique I am a great proponent of understanding the basics, knowing why we cook the way we cook, and setting a personal standard of excellence for the food I feed my family. At the same time, however, I am a busy mom with a career, side projects and volunteer work, and 3-4 hungry mouths to feed at any given moment.

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Warm Shrimp and Pasta Salad

Do you ever just want something quick and easy, but comforting and full of flavor for dinner? Oh sure, you do! Pasta salad is one of my favorite quick and easy meals to showcase all of the fresh healthy vegetables that are in season during the Summer months. Bonus points if you have access to fresh, home-grown vegetables!

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