Feed a crowd

How to Brine a Turkey, Start Today!

Friends, I’d like to warn you that due to the nature of this post it will be in progress and updated with additional pictures over the next 4 days.

This year I have opted to brine a turkey. This process involves soaking the turkey in a salt water solution that can also include other adjunct flavorings. The result is an incredibly flavorful and moist bird.

Continue reading How to Brine a Turkey, Start Today!

Knuckle Head Pumpkin Soup

Last week I decided to take advantage of the pre-Halloween pumpkin swarm that appears at all of our local grocery stores. I picked up five pumpkins (pictured below) and I’m glad that I did because it seemed like no trace that the pumpkin bounty ever existed was left after Halloween. It’s already been replaced with Christmas decorations. Continue reading Knuckle Head Pumpkin Soup

How to Roast a Pumpkin or Gourd

Pumpkins, gourds and squash pack incredible flavor ranging anywhere from deliciously sweet to rich and nutty. The trick is accessing that wonderful pumpkin “meat.”

While we often refer to pumpkins and gourds as vegetables in the culinary world they are, in fact, a fruit because they have seeds in the center protected by a thick layer of flesh and a rind or skin on the outside.  Because they are the plant’s vehicle for spreading seeds, They are, by definition, fruits.

You have a few options Continue reading How to Roast a Pumpkin or Gourd

Feed Your Fellows, Be Fed with Homemade Pasta

Yesterday, I met a fellow Austin food writer at church. While I dabble in writing by basically subjecting you all to my inner thoughts and emotions, she’s a real freelance food writer, y’all.  Meaning she pitches story ideas to various media outlets around town and has editors backing her up.

We got to talking about why we cook rather than just dine out all of the time. Naturally, this topic of conversation struck a chord with me and I’ve been thinking about it for 24 hours now. I thought, perhaps I should write this down to share with my fellow cooks (and so my mind stops racing). Continue reading Feed Your Fellows, Be Fed with Homemade Pasta

Mostly Vegetarian Chili

Degrees of Vegetarianism

My sister came over to visit today. My sister is “mostly vegetarian.” This gave me an opportunity to revamp my old recipe for Slightly Vegetarian Chili.

Here’s the thing. You, my life choice making, adult friends, are completely capable of choosing the foods and beverages you put into your body. For my sister (and formerly myself) vegetarianism was a choice we made for health reasons. I chose not to eat meat because my body felt better.

Continue reading Mostly Vegetarian Chili