Are you in the mood for warm, delicious, comforting homemade enchiladas? Me too, but wait! We don’t have any enchilada sauce. No worries my friends, we can make our own!
Salt Cured Egg Yolks
How exactly does one cure an egg yolk? And once cured how does it taste? These were just the tip of the iceberg of questions in my head when I read the article on cured egg yolks in Bon Appetite magazine a few months ago. I was so intrigued! Eggs are the most amazing food in the world, after all. There was no question about it, I had to try this. Fortunately, last week I tested a layer cake recipe (soon to come!) that called for six egg whites, no yolks, so I had an abundance of egg yolks on my hands.
Gluten Free Corn Tortilla Chip Chicken
Need a quick gluten free chicken dinner or just something that the kids will eat (besides chicken nuggets)? Try this trick with corn chips for gluten free chicken tonight!
Continue reading Gluten Free Corn Tortilla Chip Chicken
Roasted Pumpkin Seeds, A.K.A. Pepitas
It’s November. Pumpkins are everywhere. Let’s say you’ve dispatched all of your pumpkins of their seeds and maybe you have no idea what to do with them so you have begun collecting seeds. So much so that your friends may be planning to call some pumpkin seed hoarding TV special to stage an intervention.
Don’t allow this to happen, friends. Don’t let them take your pumpkin seeds!! Continue reading Roasted Pumpkin Seeds, A.K.A. Pepitas