All posts by Haley

Weeknight Slow Cooker Chicken and Corn Enchiladas

One of my favorite culinary challenges is figuring out ways to turn complex multi-part recipes that would normally take several hours to create  into meals that can easily be pulled together on a week night to feed the starving masses. And that is exactly what this enchilada recipe does.

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Soft Boiled Eggs Breakfast of Champions

Occasionally I go through periods of time…we’ll call them phases…where I need to remember what’s truly important to me. It can be very easy for me to let things like my own expectations of myself, my contrived idea of what it is that I “should” be doing in life, my self-judgement get in the way of what’s actually real and right in front of me.

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The Great Cake Experiment Part 3 – Layered, Not Stirred

There are few things more impressive than a beautifully crafted layer cake embellished with frosting rosettes, fresh fruit, and  flowers. Even an eight inch layer cake can be a enough to stop appreciative guests and party goers in their tracks, with mouths agape and eyes in awe.

Continue reading The Great Cake Experiment Part 3 – Layered, Not Stirred